Windows Are Rolled Down

 In Abstracts, Oils, Red's Art

Print available for this painting

Medium: Oil

Original sizes:
  • 60" x 60"
Print sizes:
  • 24" x 24"
  • 30" x 30"
  • 36" x 36"

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Windows Are Rolled Down, Sun is setting high.

My husband and I love the song “Windows Are Rolled Down” by Amos Lee. Additionally, we especially like the live performance that Amos sings with the Colorado Symphony at the fantastic Red Rocks venue in Colorado. Here is the link to it: Amos Lee Red Rocks Windows Are Rolled Down

Windows Are Rolled Down Oil Abstract by Red, 60"x60", Gallery wrap canvas with large white sofa

In fact, there are many interpretations to this song such as terminal illness, broken / rocky relationships, remembering the past.  For me, it is about remembering the past. For indeed, it brings back fond memories with my loving husband of our great many adventures driving all over the gorgeous state of Colorado. Even now, I can picture riding in our SUV packed with camping equipment and of course, the windows are down. We are so eager to find our next spot to explore.

Abstract Influenced by Amos Lee’s Song

As we travel down the road, objects, colors, and shapes all blend together. Is it wildflowers gracing the side of the mountain. Or, is it the clouds mixing with the blue sky and tall grass far beyond? Maybe, it is the trees mingling with each other as the strong mountain winds push their branches together. Perhaps, it is the rocky mountain terrain with its many colors that blend together as we drive by. Oh, such fond memories, exploring new territory. Even though the drive is on unknown, curvy roads, we eagerly continue to find our next adventure of camping and hiking in nature.

Windows Are Rolled Down Oil Abstract by Red, 60"x60", Gallery wrap canvas with charcoal sofas

No matter what your interpretation, the song is excellent. I think you might agree they don’t get any better than Amos Lee.  For, he is absolutely an incredibly talented man with so much passion and soul. Indeed, Amos has amazing vocal skills which are demonstrated in this particular song. You get lost and uplifted with the tone of his voice.  Additionally, it is also one of those songs you find gets stuck in your mind, where you continue singing it to yourself over and over again. Indeed, I eagerly await our next adventure riding together, singing songs, and taking in the countryside beauty. And of course, the windows are down.

In conclusion, this lively large oil abstract with its many shades of color, shapes and directions that blend, intertwine and move together brought to mind the song “Windows are Rolled Down, hence its name.

Windows Are Rolled Down Oil Abstract by Red, 60"x60", Gallery wrap canvas on large white wall 

Windows Are Rolled Down Lyrics

Look up child
The world is born
Shoe’s untied
And your soles are worn

Windows are rolled down
Sun is setting high
Windows are rolled down
I’m fixin’ to die

Corn rows have companion feel
This rocky road and this steering wheel
Who do you call to ease your pain
I hope for you to get through this rain

Windows are rolled down
Moon is hanging low
Windows are rolled down
Think it’s time for me to go hey-ay-ay-a…-ay

Is it what you dreamed it’d be
Are you locked up in this fantasy
Oh this miles that have
torn us apart
My new found faith
and my broken heart

Windows are rolled down
Sun is rising high
Windows are rolled down
Feel that wind rushing by hey-ay-ay-a…

Windows are rolled down

 Dare to Feel,

Red (Linda Harrison)

See more of Red’s Creations in her gallery

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