Soulful Blues

Soulful Blues or Soul Blues is one of the many different types of blues. For, soul blues is a style of blues music developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s that combines elements of soul music [...]

Petals on the Pond – Sold – Prints Available

Petals on the Pond – Prints Available So lovely is the quietness of a forest pond. I am delighted to see wildflower petals that have been blown by the wind softly drifting to the sweet [...]

Sunny Seas

Enjoy your day with Sunny Seas  “The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul.” ~Wyland I began this painting and loved the colors, but it was not really [...]


Sideways was a fun creation. I actually experimented with oil mediums so that the paint would drip down the canvas in varying degrees, thickness, and colors. I especially like the light soft blue [...]