Red Wins People’s Choice Award at the OFA Art Show

 In Abstracts, News / Events

Red wins the People’s Choice Award at the Orlando Foundation of Architecture (OFA) Art Show which was held at the Orlando Museum of Art (OMA) in September.

Red at the OFA Art Show held in OMARed having fun posing in fromt of her wining abstract

Red with her Abstracts at the OFA Art ExhibitRed and Lovie (Greg Harrison) at the OFA Art Show

Her abstract “No Thinking Thing” was the painting voted for the award.

No Thinking Thing Abstract by Red Wins The People's Choice Award at the OFA Art ShowRed Entry Wins People's Choice Award

No Thinking Thing is a large acrylic abstract created with palette knives and a couple of brushes.

Also selected by OFA for the art exhibit was Red’s Surprising Paths Abstract.

Surprising Path Acrylic Abstract by Red, 40 x 30, gallery Wrap Canvas

Red's Abstracts At the OFA Art Exhibit    Surprising Paths and No Thinking Thing abstracts by Red at the OFA Exhibit


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