Surprising Paths

 In Abstracts, Acrylics, Bold Strokes, Red's Art

Print available for this painting

Medium: Acrylic

Original sizes:
  • 40" x 30"
Print sizes:
  • 24" x 12"
  • 30" x 24"
  • 40" x 30"

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Surprising Paths Acrylic Abstract

“Energy and motion made visible – memories arrested in space” ― Jackson Pollock

Surprising Paths Acrylic Abstract by Red 40" x 30" Hung on White Wall near large window

As I have mentioned before, creation of my artwork is an adventure. One that often leads me to surprising paths.

This particular acrylic painting is a great example of that. On rare occasion, I have contemplated creating a specific abstract. I say this is rare, because often, I just paint intuitively and whatever wants to come out from within evolves on the canvas.

However, here I selected a few colors and thought I would paint a specific feel and piece. But like most times when I begin painting, something else took over. It is hard to explain but I have little control of the direction, or should I say content that comes forth on the canvas.

Surprising Paths Acrylic Abstract by Red 40" x 30" Hung with Yellow Chair

Even, when I think, I am going to create a specific feel or movement, for some reason my mind won’t let me do this. It or my internal voice or conscience has other ideas and quickly takes over the creation process.

So, if you gaze upon this piece with its geometric feel, I can honestly say I was definitely surprised and pleased with its content and varied stroke directions. It seems quite different from my usual abstracts, but I do like the outcome.

My art is an adventure, at times daring, whimsical, passionate, and challenging; but always expressive. Hence for this acrylic abstract, I had to go with the title “Surprising Paths”.

Surprising Paths Acrylic Abstract by Red 40" x 30" Hung in Enclosed Lanai or Porch Area

“The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web.” –  Pablo Picasso

Dare to Feel,


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