Hidden Facets “Somebody once said that you can never act and be another person: you’re only acting facets of yourself. I think there’s a lot of truth in that.” Nathan Fillion This painting was [...]
This oil painting is titled “Uplifting” because of its warm soothing colors. I find the painting to be welcoming and optimistic. Problems are not STOP signs, they are Guidelines. [...]
“Leonardo believed his research had the potential to convert millions to a more spiritual life. Last year he categorically proved the existence of an energy force that unites us all. He actually [...]
Rainbow Falls is one of my favorite paintings. I like the feeling of this painting with its burst of bold colors that wane to soft whites dripping with hints of color reflecting through. This [...]
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Pablo Picasso This painting might be a little intense with the red overtures, but it is cooled and comes to life with the soft [...]
Crossing in the Night – A childhood memory by a southern call. As a Louisiana girl, I have grown up playing on the Mississippi levees, watching the barges traverse the muddy waters, and [...]
I had just completed painting this when a good friend saw it and said “that painting reminds me of being in Hong Kong with it harbors and boats”. Hence the name. Title: Hong Kong [...]
I named this painting “Coming Together”. Reds and Blues are opposites and each is a strong color, but together they create interest and completeness. “Alone we can do so little, [...]
This painting was named The Marsh. Can you picture the low wet land inundated by the growth of grasses, sedges, cattails, and rushes while the blue sky provides the backdrop? You might even find [...]
“Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair”. – Kahlil Gibran I find the gifts of nature to be magical. The simple act of finding a [...]