The Voice of Art

The Voice of Art – Importance of Art   I would like to share with you “Why Art is Important”. And the best way I can think of to begin is with a quote from Victor Pinchuk – “Art, freedom, [...]

Why Abstract Art?

Why Abstract Art? Abstract art is a type of art that has no boundaries within the real world. Indeed, that is why I am so drawn to this form of art. For it releases a sense of freedom that I [...]

Red Begins Creating Abstracts?

Red Begins Creating Abstracts – How it all began.  Art and creatively have always been a part of my life. My parents and parental grandmother were avid amateur artists. They painted [...]


This painting titled “Unity” is especially close to my heart. My oldest brother has come to visit me a couple of times; and when he does, it usually includes a specific painting that he wants to [...]

Introducing Strokes by Red

Introducing Strokes by Red Abstract Artist New Art Brand As an artist, it is important for me to continually challenge myself and push boundaries. Indeed, this energizes and renews my creative [...]

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