“Mist to mist, drops to drops. For water thou art, and unto water shalt thou return.” ― Kamand Kojouri Oh, how important our oceans are to humans. Oceans are the lifeblood of planet Earth and [...]
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” ― John Lennon Dreaming. We all do it at some point of our life. But I am not talking about those dreams that [...]
“Be like a tree, bloom like a flower, sing like a bird, and dance like a peacock.” ― Debasish Mridha Peafowl, also known as the Peacock has been admired by humans and kept as pets for thousands [...]
The sun has now vanished completely; and the air is hot and sultry. The tropical night is vibrant and alive with a touch of electric excitement. Even the smells of plants and flowers heated [...]
Drops of Jupiter – The planet Jupiter is the fifth planet out from the Sun; and it is one of five planets visible to the naked eye from Earth. It is two and a half times more massive than [...]
“To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself.” – Søren Kierkegaard Mountains have such forceful, enigmatic and positive energy. You can just feel its strength [...]
Without Boundaries – Original SOLD – Prints Available “The boundary to what we can accept is the boundary to our freedom”. ― Tara Brach Sometimes we place restrictions or boundaries [...]
Learning to Live with Me Like most artists, I am continually challenging myself to improve my artistic creations. At times, battling with myself on the direction a particular painting should [...]
“In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.” – Aaron Rose It can be said that I am a lover of the light. I so love the light. I live and shine by light’s glory. It could [...]
“None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.” – Thomas Carlyle As you gaze upon this painting titled [...]