Tween Times, Tween Places

 In Abstracts, Oils, Red's Art

Print available for this painting

Medium: Mixed Media (Oils & Acrylics)

Original sizes:
  • 40" x 40"
Print sizes:
  • 36" x 36"
  • 30" x 30"
  • 24" x 24"
  • 20" x 20"
  • 18" x 18"
  • 14" x 14"

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Tween Times, Tween Places and Faeries exist harmoniously. For you can’t enter the faerie realm unless you have the right time and place. Oh, how magical the tween times and tween places are! For they indeed open the doors to an enchanted world of beauty, mischief and fun.

But what are tween times? How do I find the tween places? How do I connect with the faeries?

Tween Times, Tween Places, Mixed Media Abstract by Red, 40x40, Room Setting

Everything happens between one moment and the next. Between the blink of an eye. Between the rustling leaves.

“Between the leaves I look at you;

The changes you make are always new:

Between the ways,

Between the night,

Between the days,

Between the light.

Between the stars,

Between the worlds,

Between the first and the last.”

Looking for faerie places? Faerie land is elusive. It is sometimes just over the horizon and other times beneath our feet. Perhaps, you should look for where streams divide, roads intersect, beaches and seashores exist, where the road bends, or check out thresholds, stairways and hallways. Even islands and tidal pools are tween places.

Truthfully, any place in the natural world that is neither one place nor another belongs to the faerie realm. For example, a riverbank is neither the river nor the land. It is a shadow land. Even, an island or peninsula is neither part of the land nor the ocean.

Fairies are invisible and inaudible like angels. But their magic sparkles in nature” – Lynn Holland

Now that you know a few tween places, let’s discover tween times.

Tween times are the times between summer and winter, between morning and evening, between sun and rain, dawn and sunrise, sunset and dusk. For these are times that are not distinct nor definable – they are in between. For instance, dawn is neither day nor night and neither is dusk. Even Noon is neither morning nor afternoon. Furthermore, midnight is neither one day nor the next. Oh, the magic of tween times!

Think of Twilight. It is so shimmering and surreal, so whimsical and … Faerie. Additionally, it is the time during which sun’s light scatters in the upper atmosphere, illuminating the lower atmosphere, and the surface of the earth is neither completely lit nor completely dark. Even, the sun itself is not visible to the eye because it is below the horizon. Indeed, the special energy of the ambient light at this tween time is powerful, magical, whimsical and wondrous.

The Magical Tween Times, Tween Places – a Mixed Media Abstract

Hence, tween times are times like dusk or dawn, and tween places act like a glitch in the matrix, such as an opening between two tree branches, or a bridge over water, since it is neither up nor down. So, remember, the faeries exist in places not places, and times not times, and realms within realms, and beyond.

This mixed media abstract painting is my tribute to the faerie realm. It seems, the painting with its ethereal expression has no definitive time nor place; hence, its name “Tween Times, Tween Place”.

Tween Times, Tween Places, Mixed Media Abstract by Red, 40x40, Room Setting 2

Now that you have a time and place, you are ready to say a simple chant as an invitation to experience faerie magic.

“Good Faery folk, wild and free

Beyond the veil, please let me see.”

Are you ready to encounter the faeries? Well, tell stories and sing often at “tween places and in tween times.”  Good Luck!

Which tween time and tween place do you think this painting represents?

Dare to Feel,


See more abstracts and read more art inspirational stories by Red gallery.

Follow Red or @strokesbyredartist

Sources for this story are: “How to See Faeries” – Brian Froud and John Matthews, “The Fairy Bible” – Teresa Moorey, “Enchantment of the Faerie Realm” – Ted Andrews, and “Tween Times” Posted by K. L. Abbott (

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  • Sal

    Earth would essentially be the largest tween, correct? As some believe it’s a limbo between heaven and hell, or ones equivalent in ideology?

    • Sal

      **theology(?) [13 years of catholic school, I should know the correct term, lol]

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