Peaceful Evening

Peaceful Evening  “Evenings are the beautifully sweet spot between the harsh light of the day and the dead darkness of night.” Gazing at this painting, my mind drifts to memories of a peaceful [...]

Calming Touch

Calming Touch Sometimes you need something serene and calming. Something not in your face or vying for attention. Something that you can gaze upon and let your thoughts be gentle or even meditate [...]

New Red’s Paintings on Display at Orlando Museum of Art Shop

New Red’s Paintings on Display at Orlando Museum of Art Shop Strokes By Red has several new paintings on display in the Orlando Museum of Art (OMA) Shop, Orlando, FL. Check out the pics below. [...]


Voices “Art is a voice – let it speak” – Rochelle Carr You gaze upon a piece of art. You may hear nothing, but is the piece really silent? Oh no, it is a voice. For art is a powerful voice; [...]

Red and East End Gallery

Red is excited to be part of East End Gallery’s Moments and Memories Show. The show runs from October 20th through Jan 19th. East End Gallery is located at 10952 East County Hwy 30A, Suite [...]