Liquid Elements

Liquid Elements can be created from many of nature’s building blocks. When we look to the beauty of nature, we find that five elements provide the foundation for the entire physical world. [...]

Out of the Darkness

With hope you can come Out of the Darkness. “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”. – Desmond Tutu Perhaps as you gaze upon this small acrylic painting [...]

Luminous Evening

Oh, Luminous Evening you bring such peace with you. You shine a light that says, “now my dear, rest and be happy of your day’s accomplishments”. You have given the day your best and now I will [...]

Standing Tall

Standing Tall – Red’s EnhanceScapes – A New Collection A Mixed Media Creation consisting of photography taken by Red and embellished with Red’s strokes of acrylic paint. This new collection [...]