Exuberance – Original SOLD

 In Abstracts, Red's Art, Sold

Print available for this painting

Medium: Acrylic

Print sizes:
  • 24" x 12"
  • 24" x 18"
  • 30" x 24"
  • 36" x 18"
  • 36" x 24"
  • 40" x 30"
  • 48" x 24"
  • 48" x 36"

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Exuberance an acrylic abstract painting full of joy, life and some fun. 

Exuberance Abstract Painting Wall Pic

“Painting, like music, has nothing to do with the reproduction of nature, nor interpretation of intellectual meanings. Whoever is able to feel the beauty of colors and forms has understood non-objective painting.” – Hilla Rebay

While gazing upon this painting titled “Exuberance”, one can feel its excitement and quality of being full of unbound energy. For the many colorful shapes and bold textures just scream liveliness and offer a sense of cheerfulness and positivity. Looking at the fun and lively accents of white immersed in to the painting seem to offer an uplifted playful spirit. Even, the style of the painting is an expression of uninhibited enthusiasm.  Other words an exuberant welcome to life.

“Energy and motion made visible – memories arrested in space” ― Jackson Pollock

Dare to Feel,


View my page www.facebook.com/StrokesbyRed

See more of Red’s Creations in her gallery.

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