Soothing Art – Softer Side of Red
Red has a softer side where she creates soothing art. Whether it is a peaceful landscape, a serene sunset or a palette of calming colors, you will find Red’s softer side expressed in many of her abstract paintings.
Soothing Art – Softer Side of Red
Red’s expression of comforting, gentle art includes many cool colors. For instance, soft blues and pinks for that baby’s nursery. Even, some of her other paintings give a feeling of a twilight sun kissed evening, a quiet peaceful walk in the forest, or a mosaic of calming colors to ease your mind. So, this abstract art gallery contains many choices with a softer touch.
Science says that looking at colors can relax you. That’s right, colors have an enormous impact on us, psychologically, emotionally and even physically. In fact, it is said that lighter shades can calm you. With that in mind, here is a list of the most relaxing colors for a stress-free-life. The seven colors are: Blue, Green, Pink, White, Violet, Grey and Yellow. You will find many of these colors in this gallery. To read more about these 7 soothing colors visit – 7 relaxing colors and how they affect your mood!
Dare to Feel,
See more of Red’s Creations in her gallery.
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